
Monday 25 February 2013

Q.81 How many distinct binary search trees can be formed which contains the integers 1, 2,
(A) 6 (B) 5
(C) 4 (D) 3

Ans: (B)
Q.82 The sort which inserts each elements A(K) into proper position in the previously sorted
sub array A(1), ..., A(K–1)
(A) Insertion sort (B) Radix sort
(C) Merge sort (D) Bubble sort
Ans: (A)
Q.83 Direct or random access of elements is not possible in
(A) Linked list (B) Array
(C) String (D) None of these
Ans: (A)
Q.84 Level of any node of a tree is
(A) Height of its left subtree minus height of its right subtree
(B) Height of its right subtree minus height of its left subtree
(C) Its distance from the root
(D) None of these
Ans: (C)
Q.85 A desirable choice for the partitioning element in quick sort is
(A) First element of the list
(B) Last element of the list
(C) Randomly chosen element of the list
(D) Median of the list
AC05 Programming & Problem Solving Through ‘C’
AC06 Data Structures
Ans: (A)
Q.89 Out of the following, the slowest sorting procedure is
(A) Quick Sort (B) Heap Sort
(C) Shell Sort (D) Bubble Sort
Ans: (D)
Q.90 In ________, it is possible to traverse a tree without using stacks either implicitly or
(A) Threaded binary trees. (B) AVL Tree
(C) B+ tree (D) Heap
Ans: (C)
Q.91 The order of a B-Tree with 2, 3, 4 or 5 children in every internal node is
(A) 2 (B) 3
(C) 4 (D) 5
Ans: (C)
Q.92 The number of nodes that have no successors in a complete binary tree of depth 4 is
(A) 0 (B) 8
(C) 16 (D) 4
AC05 Programming & Problem Solving Through ‘C’
AC06 Data Structures
Ans: (B)
Q.93 One can make an exact replica of a Binary Search Tree by traversing it in
(A) Inorder (B) Preorder
(C) Postorder (D) Any order
Ans: (B)
Q.94 A complete Binary Tree with 15 nodes contains________edges
(A) 15 (B) 30
(C) 14 (D) 16
Ans: (C)
Q.95 The minimum number of comparisons required to find the largest number from 4
different numbers are
(A) 4 (B) 3
(C) 5 (D) 6
Ans: (B)
Q.96 An infix expression can be converted to a postfix expression using a
(A) Stack (B) Queue
(C) Dequeue (D) None of these
Ans: (A)
Q.97 A data structure in which an element is added and removed only from one end, is known
(A) Queue (B) Stack
(C) In-built structure (D) None of the above
Ans: (B)
Q.98 A complete binary tree with the property that the value of each node is at least as
large as the values of its children is known as
(A) Binary Search Tree. (B) AVL Tree.
(C) Heap. (D) Threaded Binary Tree.
Ans: (C)
Q.99 A sorting algorithm is stable if
(A) its time complexity is constant irrespective of the nature of input.
(B) preserves the original order of records with equal keys.
(C) its space complexity is constant irrespective of the nature of input.
(D) it sorts any volume of data in a constant time.
Ans: (B)
AC05 Programming & Problem Solving Through ‘C’
AC06 Data Structures
Q.100 A tree in which, for every node, the difference between the height of its left subtree
and right subtree is not more than one is
(A) AVL Tree. (B) Complete Binary Tree.
(C) B – Tree. (D)
B Tree.
Ans: (A)

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